Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Welcome to’s FAQ page! We’ve put together answers to some of the most common questions we get. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us!

What is is a website dedicated to collecting and sharing inspirational, thought-provoking, and memorable quotes from around the world. We started in 2024 with the goal of becoming the internet’s go-to source for quotes.

How many quotes do you have?

We currently have over 500,000 quotes in our database, and we’re always adding more!

Who runs

We’re a team of quote enthusiasts based in Hong Kong. Our team includes researchers, web developers, data scientists, and community managers.

Using the Website

How do I search for quotes?

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to look for quotes by keyword, author, or topic. You can also browse our categories or use the advanced search option for more specific queries.

Can I save my favorite quotes?

Yes! If you create an account, you can save quotes to your favorites list. Just click the heart icon next to any quote to save it.

How do I share a quote?

Each quote has share buttons for various social media platforms. You can also copy the quote’s unique URL to share it directly.

Quotes and Content

Where do your quotes come from?

Our quotes come from a variety of sources including books, speeches, interviews, and user submissions. We verify each quote for accuracy before adding it to our database.

Can I submit a quote?

Absolutely! We love user submissions. You can submit a quote using the “Submit Quote” form on our website. Please include the full quote, the author’s name, and the source if possible.

What if I find an error in a quote?

We strive for accuracy, but mistakes can happen. If you spot an error, please let us know through our “Report an Error” feature on each quote’s page.

Do you have quotes in languages other than English?

Yes, we have quotes in multiple languages. You can use the language filter in our search options to find quotes in specific languages.

Account and Privacy

Do I need an account to use

No, you don’t need an account to browse and search quotes. However, creating an account allows you to save favorites, submit quotes, and participate in our community features.

How do I create an account?

Click on the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner of the page. You’ll need to provide a username, email address, and password.

Is my personal information safe?

We take your privacy seriously. We use industry-standard security measures to protect your data. For more details, please check our Privacy Policy.

How can I delete my account?

You can delete your account from your account settings page. Please note that this action is irreversible and will delete all your saved data.

Technical Issues

The website isn’t loading properly. What should I do?

First, try refreshing the page. If that doesn’t work, clear your browser cache and cookies. If you’re still having issues, please contact our support team.

Can I use on my mobile device?

Yes! Our website is fully responsive and works on smartphones and tablets.

Is there a TheQuotesMaster app?

Not yet, but we’re working on it! Stay tuned for updates.

Partnerships and Business

Can I use quotes from your website on my blog/website?

You’re welcome to use individual quotes with proper attribution. For bulk usage or commercial purposes, please contact us for permission.

How can I advertise on

We offer various advertising options. Please email our partnerships team at for more information.

Still have questions? Don’t worry! Reach out to us through our Contact Us page and we’ll be happy to help.

Remember, “The only bad question is the one that goes unasked.” – Unknown

Happy quote hunting!