Legend tells us that the High King of Tara, who ruled supreme over all the Kings of Ireland, looked out from his castle one day during the festival of Eostre and saw a fire blazing away on a far hillside. Furious with this obvious disregard for the law, for which the penalty was death, he sent out soldiers to arrest the guilty party. When the soldiers arrived at the hillside they found St Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland, piling wood onto his fire and immediately seized him. Standing before the King he was asked why he disobeyed the law, and he explained that his fire was a sign that Christ had risen from the dead and was the light of the world. The King so admired Patrick’s courage that he forgave him and became a convert to Christianity!
About The Quote
- Beltane
- Carole Carlton
- Christ
- Christianity
- Festival Of Eostre
- High King Of Tara
- Imbolc
- Irish Celts
- King Of Tara
- Kings Of Ireland
- Lughnasadh
- Moon Magic
- Mrs Darley
- Mrs Darley S Pagan Whispers
- Mrs Darley Series Of Books
- Pagan Book
- Pagan Festivals
- Pagan Whispers
- Paganism
- Pagans
- Patron Saint Of Ireland
- Samhain
- St Patrick