These days when you kiss a prince you often run the risk of turning him into a frog. But don’t let the ogres in shining armor get you down. There is no need for distress – you don’t want to be anyone’s damsel anyway. Simply remind yourself that you are busy racking up those ‘frequent failure points’ that will eventually pay for an all expenses paid trip to Mr Right.
About The Quote
- Damsel In Distress
- Dating
- Disaster Date
- Everlasting Love
- Failure Relationship
- Fairy Tales
- Fairy Tales For Adults
- Fairytale
- Fairytale Romance
- Finding Love
- Frog Prince
- Frog Wisdom
- Frogs
- Kissing
- Kissing Frogs
- Kissing Spells
- Knight In Shining Armor
- Love
- Love Hurts
- Love Story
- Love Waits
- Lovers
- Mr Right
- Myths
- Ogre
- Relationship Advice
- Relationship Problems
- Relationships
- Romance
- Soulmate
- Soulmate Secret
- True Love Spell
- Twin Flames