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Sex doesn't sell anything other than itself
Martin Lindstrom
If your brand is a cliché, your brand is losing sales and growth. Why? If your brand is using clichés to promote itself, you’re promoting your “category,” not your unique, individual brand. Painful? Yes. Solvable? Absolutely.
David Brier
I have more than 6670 employees spread across the length and breadth of the country who live and experience the brand 'Bajaj Allianz' everyday. I'd like to believe that these people are the company's most valued brand ambassadors.
Tapan Singhel
The function of advertising is simply to promote and sustain competitive advantage for brands.
John Hegarty
To help get your creative juices flowing, you might look online at lists of the "best taglines ever." Their branding ideas are genius and may be just the catalyst you need to activate your awesome!
Susan C.Young
It is no accident that in the field of philosophy ontology is the study of reality, existence and coming into being. In the fields of information retrieval (semantic search) and computing, ontology is the naming of the types, interrelationships and properties of the entities that exist (in reality or conceptually) and which define a particular domain of knowledge or expertise.
David Amerland
Be intentionally infectious. Make your brand contagiously buzz worthy.
Catrice M. Jackson
In this era where you can be anything you want to be, it is very alluring to miss the most important mark in life - fulfillment and meaning; Remember that, what you can do may not be necessarily what you are called to do
Bernard Kelvin Clive
Personal brands are determined by a track record of actions, not a track record of plans.
Ryan Lilly
You are responsible for everything you TWEET and RETWEET.
Germany Kent
Any Brand that does not bear good fruit, will fade away and die!
Bernard Kelvin Clive
Don't promote negativity online and expect people to treat you with positivity in person.
Germany Kent
If your culture is how you do business internally, your brand is what people believe about you externally.
Amber Hurdle
Without a second look, your habits and hygiene reflect a lot about you—your thoughts, values, beliefs, priorities, self-esteem, self-respect, confidence, and every other category covered in this book that influence how people perceive you.
Susan C.Young
When it comes to semantic search and the success of your social media policy, truly, there is only one thing that absolutely counts: engagement.
David Amerland
People will form impressions, assumptions, opinions, and judgments all within a few short seconds. To make a favorable first impression and make these seconds count, enhance your image by choosing clean, crisp, appropriate attire that reflects confidence and professionalism.
Susan C.Young
Step into the marketplace with some sizzle, spice, spunk and shazam!
Catrice M. Jackson
It's time to respect yourself and your dream, both truly deserve that respect. be the person you would do anything for. Be the person you will not let down.
Loren Weisman
Products shouldn’t just work well, they must unfold well.
Laura Busche
Be and Do what it takes to Have superb results. Nurture a mindset that works for you, rather than against you. Your inner thoughts determine your outer world.
Susan C.Young
Brands are either built on reruns or coming attractions. The future has no road map while the past does. Creating a brand that blazes new trails can sometimes be bumpy but will also allow you to be the first to discover something new, something meaningful and something that makes others ask, “Why didn’t we think of that?” Be very scared of “old tricks” and build a spirit of innovation. It’s the “old tricks” that have the highest risk, not doing something bold.
David Brier
Lean brands are the result of continually testing assumptions.
Laura Busche
True saddness is when someone still thinks your the same person after all these years. They brand you because of their own ego, fear and lack of spirituality. What's sadder is when they are Christian.
Shannon L. Alder
Which outfits do you get the most compliments on when you are wearing them? What colors make you feel healthy, vibrant, and alive?
Susan C.Young
Do not confuse location with direction. Location is where you are, direction is where you are going.
Laura Busche
Jobs described Mike Markkula's maxim that a good company must "impute"- it must convey its values and importance in everything it does, from packaging to marketing. Johnson loved it. It definitely applied to a company's stores. " The store will become the most powerful physical expression of the brand," he predicted. He said that when he was young he had gone to the wood-paneled, art-filled mansion-like store that Ralph Lauren had created at Seventy-second and Madison in Manhattan. " Whenever I buy a polo shirt, I think of that mansion, which was a physical expression of Ralph's ideals," Johnson said. " Mickey Drexler did that with the Gap. You couldn't think of a Gap product without thinking of the Great Gap store with the clean space and wood floors and white walls and folded merchandise.
Walter Isaacson
Masters are not created by anyone, They are just GOD gifted to change the WORLD.
Customers have a first moment when they discover your brand. If you were to look at it today with a fresh pair of eyes, in fact only through a pair of fresh customer eyes and witness your brand for the very first time, what would you see? What impression would make? Or fail to make? Would your brand blend in? Would it stand out? Would it be memorable, or the leading cause of amnesia amongst shoppers everywhere? Facing the truth of this and fixing it as needed will determine whether your brand thrives or merely stumbles along.
David Brier
Since your habits and hygiene will all help you feel great, look great, and improve the quality of your life, isn’t it worth your effort to make them a part of your reality?
Susan C.Young
People don't really trust advertisement they trust people. A large percentage of people make purchase decisions based on their friends review than just from advertisers. Brands that rely sole on adverts to sell, will eventually fade out. You need to get people to talk about your brand in a more positive manner without twisting their arms. If you fake it your will fade. So, focus on relationship marketing, because customers are the best brand ambassadors
Bernard Kelvin Clive
Becoming an expert not only establishes you as a leader in your field, it will make you a trusted resource that people can rely on for new and innovative ideas. In addition to raising the stakes and helping you increase your income, your expertise will serve to make a powerful first impression, which will truly help you shine and stand apart from the crowd. Having fun and meeting interesting, incredible people along the way is an added bonus!
Susan C.Young
When deeply religious subjects view sacred iconography or reflect on their notion of God, brain scans reveal hyperactivity in the caudate nucleus, a part of the pleasure system that correlates with feelings of joy, love, and serenity. But Lindstrom and Calvert found that this same brain region lights up when subjects view images associated with strong brands like Ferrari or Apple.
Steven Kotler
Brand and product don’t compete. Brand is product, and everything else conforming to the unique story that consumers create when they think of you.
Laura Busche
Your brand is that ADHESIVE image you carry, that has the ability to STICK to the minds of people you meet physically or otherwise. Brand yourself positively because whoever gets to know you when passing by takes your image along!
Israelmore Ayivor
Lack of credibility slays your character
Bernard Kelvin Clive
Become a thought leader by taking an idea, belief, or process and turning it inside-out and upside-down. Bust beyond the box and shatter a few ceilings to go where no one has gone before. Make your mark by becoming a pioneer in your pursuits.
Susan C.Young
Launching a brand is not for those with thin skin. It takes courage, intelligence and foresight.
David Brier
A Brand is what a Business/Person does… a Reputation is what people Remember and Share.
Ted Rubin
Not having a recognised brand & trying to stand out in the market is like going to the market without any goods.
Onyi Anyado
The importance of healthy habits and hygiene for making a positive first impression should go without saying; however, I would be remiss if I did not include this topic in the book, because surprisingly, many people just don’t get it.
Susan C.Young
Without differentiation you have no brand
Bernard Kelvin Clive
If your personal brand were at a trade show alongside several thousand others, how would you fare? Now scale that to the global economy.
Ryan Lilly
Your expertise elevates your impressions to an entirely new realm. When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people will be impressed.
Susan C.Young
A quality education prepares you to make a living, make better choices, and have more doors open as you build a solid life.
Susan C.Young
It’s not the public opinion of what you are that matters, but the private personality of who you are!
Israelmore Ayivor
Step into the spotlight and rock the brand of you!
Catrice M. Jackson
The personal values managers reported being the most under pressure to compromise to do their jobs successfully: 1. Family 2. Integrity.
Stan Slap
Do everything in your power to make customers go confidently in the direction of their purchase intention.
Laura Busche
People, there's no such thing as, THE BEST CAMERA BRAND, but yes there will always be THE BEST CAMERA AT ANY GIVEN TIME. Technology will change, but not art.
Ashraf Saharudin
Be sensational, be surprising, and be remarkable. Activate your star power!
Catrice M. Jackson
Your level of education speaks on your behalf. It demonstrates your ability to establish a clear vision, prioritize your goals, and honor your commitments. Oh yeah, did I mention it also makes you smarter?
Susan C.Young
If building a disruptive, dynamic brand is not in your plans, neither is profit.
Laura Busche
Which is what it all comes down to, I suppose—how you’re selling. Welcome to the twenty-first century, where the only opinion of you that matters is the one that isn’t your own. Rate My Tits. Rate My Ass. Rate My Children. Rate My Essential Being. 1 Star: Awful. This Being left me feeling like I wanted more.
Shalom Auslander
Branding is not just about social media
Bernard Kelvin Clive
What is the “Once upon a time” of your brand story? Ask yourself this: “How does what I’m building help consumers close the gap between who they are today and who they want to be tomorrow?
Laura Busche
Your names and your photos give you a unique identity. Make and maintain a good name in the hearts of people. Paint good photos in their minds.
Israelmore Ayivor
There is no faster way to garner the lasting respect of employees, partners, and consumers than to become the embodiment of an ideal.
Gregory V. Diehl
Considered your brand a life experience.
Daniel C. Felsted
Embracing your authentic self is medicine for the soul.
April WIlliams
Look at every ‘revolutionary’ brand or category killer, it had an app, or a feature, or a functionality, or a user experience nobody else at that point could offer. I refer to this as ‘the Killer App’ principle.
David Brier
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